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Meet the Owner

Welcome to JessG Fitness!

This brand was created to help heal your body, mind, and soul. My goal is to continue inspiring the community every chance I can. I aim to motivate, help, and encourage everyone daily to continue nourishing your mind, giving your body the proper nutrition it deserves, and keeping the energy that serves your soul's being. 

I found myself in Fitness. I never liked it. I was obese and wanted chocolate every day. I realized I was standing in my own way and blocking my blessings. I am now standing here with the strength to share my journey and continue empowering women and even men everywhere! You don't have to fall in love with fitness but fall in love with your journey always! 

Welcome to my launch!!

Indulge in top quality booty bands to help grow your glutes/legs in the comfort of your home, in the gym and even outside! New products coming soon!! Each purchase comes with a crystal that has healing properties to help you become more align with yourself and your mental/physical health. 


10 Day Abs and Booty Challenge starts March 15 and ends March 24th!! Let's get our bodies right for summer beauties 😘



Youtube Lettuce Taco Wrap Recipe

" I've come to really love these. I love me some tacos and at first I was saddened by the fact that I had to cut the corn tortilla but they are delicious and still very filling!"


Waist Trainer

"Girl, honest to gosh this is the best waist trainer I've used. Better than angel curves and the one I had from amazon!! I'm a very blunt person and this honestly is the best one I've used!!"

Jessica M.

Booty Bands

"Soon I'm going to send you some x rated photos (lmaoo me being dramatic it's just my butt) of my progress!!! Two of my friends stole two of my bands when they saw my progress and I told them to just put an order in and leave mine 🥴"


Custom Workout Plans

"At first, I couldn't do 3 squats. With the help of Jessica, I can now do 25 squats with good form!! Her youtube videos have also helped me a lot !"



"I loveddd opening my package ❤️🥰 "
